
If you feel like you’re hitting a wall trying to finish your record, don’t feel bad. Mixing a song that you’ve already put your heart, mind, and a lot of hours into, is much harder than coming in with a fresh set of ears. It’s easy to lose perspective or run out of creative juices during the final stretch.

For the past 15 years, I’ve been focusing on helping artists and producers achieve their sonic visions, letting the mix realise the full potential of every song.

The Process

Contact me using the contact form. Keep in mind that you have to attach an mp3-file with a rough mix of at least one song from your project.

Once I’ve replied, you share your project with me using something like Dropbox or Wetransfer. I accept Logic sessions or .wav files.

I will then prepare the session and verify that everything opens and nothing is missing. In case questions arise, I will contact you.

Once I believe everything is in order, you will receive a paypal invoice which must be paid in full before I begin working on the mix.

When the first draft of the mix is ready, you receive a download link. Listen to it, absorb it, take as long as you need. It’s a good idea to listen not only on headphones or speakers that you are familiar with, but to hear the mix on as many systems as you can to get a good idea of how your fans will experience your music.

To make my job easier, please compile feedback from all stakeholders in one concise email. Usually, it takes two rounds of comments before we have a final mix. All mixes are satisfaction-guaranteed. The mix is done when you sign off on it. All necessary revisions are included in a flat rate with no hidden costs.

When the mix is approved by all stake holders, final mix passes are created, with and without limiting, of the main, vocals only, and instrumental versions of the mix. I master all my mixes. However, the second set of ears and expertise that a good mastering engineer brings is always a good thing if the budget allows it.

Contact Me